
From Trigun

Friday, June 29, 2007

Shabbat Shalom!

Well, this is the first time since I had all my friends come visit me in PA that I am Shabbat at home. Basically, this means I am cooking. Though I invited a couple friends for shabbos, all but one cancelled on me. Yet, I am still preparing shabbos meal as I planned. The left overs will feed me for the rest of the week.

My cholent is on. My chocolate parve cake is baked. I still have chicken, soup, corn and butter nut squash to make. Then there is the salmon and haddock. I haven't made fish before so I am waiting until my friend comes into town to attempt that one. I am not making salad. I just don't feel like.

I did get to write a little bit yesterday, however people were talking to me at lunch so I didn't get too far, but that's okay. I will manage to fine time to write eventually. The story is involving interestingly, which means I am longing to sit down long enough to write it out so I can read the ending. LOL.

Anyway, I hope to get to some sewing this coming week. And I have a new friend coming in from GA. That will be fun.

Shabbat Shalom

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