Well, this is the first time since I had all my friends come visit me in PA that I am Shabbat at home. Basically, this means I am cooking. Though I invited a couple friends for shabbos, all but one cancelled on me. Yet, I am still preparing shabbos meal as I planned. The left overs will feed me for the rest of the week.
My cholent is on. My chocolate parve cake is baked. I still have chicken, soup, corn and butter nut squash to make. Then there is the salmon and haddock. I haven't made fish before so I am waiting until my friend comes into town to attempt that one. I am not making salad. I just don't feel like.
I did get to write a little bit yesterday, however people were talking to me at lunch so I didn't get too far, but that's okay. I will manage to fine time to write eventually. The story is involving interestingly, which means I am longing to sit down long enough to write it out so I can read the ending. LOL.
Anyway, I hope to get to some sewing this coming week. And I have a new friend coming in from GA. That will be fun.
Shabbat Shalom

From Trigun
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Hello World
Well, I am much happier now that I have officially disowned my family. They crossed the wrong line and I am not going to take their abuse anymore. I have a life with friends and people who love me, which is good enough for me. I rather be surrounded by people who truely love me, than those who in some twisted way do love me, but spend more time inflicting damage. So, other than the rage under the surface, which I believe I have contained, I am actually happy as a little lark. From now on, things are on my terms and if they don't like, they can kiss my arse.
I haven't gotten any reading in beyond class, nor I have gotten any writing done. I think I might get to the reading this weekend. The writing I am not to sure about. I have a ton of storylines running through my head, so I would love to be able to write them out.
I am getting to watch more movies lately. I watched Marie Antoinette, Curse of the Golden Flower, and Spiderman 3. I hope to watch Notes on a Scandel tomorrow night and I have another movie to watch Friday while I prep for Shabbos. I also have The fountain to watch after shabbos.
Ooooo....This saturday night, I am going to be preforming. I am going to belly dance with my class/troupe. I am so excited. I love dancing. I think I am going to have skip the next 8 wk class, but I might take it back up at the college in the fall.
And even though it is going to be chaos, I am sort of looking forward to my sister's baby shower. I am happy for her since this means a great deal to her. I have a lovely present that I have managed to piece together cheaply, though it is all quality brand new stuff. (I love clearance) My entire family is technically all going to be on the same property, so there is a possible war. Oh, well, I am going so I can take pictures. Though I am furious with my family. I do not blame children for the sins of their parents. I even got my 2 year old nephew something so he doesn't feel left out.
Well, that's all for now, time to make dinn dinn.
I haven't gotten any reading in beyond class, nor I have gotten any writing done. I think I might get to the reading this weekend. The writing I am not to sure about. I have a ton of storylines running through my head, so I would love to be able to write them out.
I am getting to watch more movies lately. I watched Marie Antoinette, Curse of the Golden Flower, and Spiderman 3. I hope to watch Notes on a Scandel tomorrow night and I have another movie to watch Friday while I prep for Shabbos. I also have The fountain to watch after shabbos.
Ooooo....This saturday night, I am going to be preforming. I am going to belly dance with my class/troupe. I am so excited. I love dancing. I think I am going to have skip the next 8 wk class, but I might take it back up at the college in the fall.
And even though it is going to be chaos, I am sort of looking forward to my sister's baby shower. I am happy for her since this means a great deal to her. I have a lovely present that I have managed to piece together cheaply, though it is all quality brand new stuff. (I love clearance) My entire family is technically all going to be on the same property, so there is a possible war. Oh, well, I am going so I can take pictures. Though I am furious with my family. I do not blame children for the sins of their parents. I even got my 2 year old nephew something so he doesn't feel left out.
Well, that's all for now, time to make dinn dinn.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Weekend in Review
Well, It was a lovely shabbos. I had a great time with people. I had my first Daf Yomi class, which was difficult to understand and way out of my league. It was still rather interesting. Saturday night I went to Teaneck because Sunday so I could join my friends at NJ Ren Faire. The Faire was better than last year, but I don't think it was worth the four + hours of driving this weekend I did to attend it. I did spend some time in NYC with Friends. We watched a Marx Brothers' film which was fun. I also stayed up late watching a friend play oblivion. That game rocks.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Show Me
Please, will you show me your light
For I am stuck in eternal night
My dreams have flown away from me
No longer are they where I can see
The truth I once had known for sure
I’m grasping the wind needin’ somethin’ more
I swear I must be dream walking,
But I know I hear you talking
You speak of the sun, the moon and stars.
How have I gotten to this point so far
From the place I ought to be,
The person the mirror should see
You might think me faithless,
A woman a filled with hopelessness,
Yet each breath is a living testament
To each and every struggle I have met
My strength is wings wrapped around
And I’m not lost for I have been found
Will you show me this your light
To guide me down the tunnel right
To a place to call my own
A place for which to be my home
A world in which my friends
Witness the pain’s bitter end
Should you decide to remain behind
I am sure this path I can find
Though I will miss the company
And your honest sincerity
Should you choose to go with me
I am not able to promise thee
A world lacking in fear and pain
And my darkness your joy shall drain,
Yet you shall have an ever faith friend
Who will always be there unto the end
Will you show me your eternal light
And I will give you my peace of night.
For I am stuck in eternal night
My dreams have flown away from me
No longer are they where I can see
The truth I once had known for sure
I’m grasping the wind needin’ somethin’ more
I swear I must be dream walking,
But I know I hear you talking
You speak of the sun, the moon and stars.
How have I gotten to this point so far
From the place I ought to be,
The person the mirror should see
You might think me faithless,
A woman a filled with hopelessness,
Yet each breath is a living testament
To each and every struggle I have met
My strength is wings wrapped around
And I’m not lost for I have been found
Will you show me this your light
To guide me down the tunnel right
To a place to call my own
A place for which to be my home
A world in which my friends
Witness the pain’s bitter end
Should you decide to remain behind
I am sure this path I can find
Though I will miss the company
And your honest sincerity
Should you choose to go with me
I am not able to promise thee
A world lacking in fear and pain
And my darkness your joy shall drain,
Yet you shall have an ever faith friend
Who will always be there unto the end
Will you show me your eternal light
And I will give you my peace of night.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Final day
Today is my Art History Final. No big problem really, so long as I actually make it to the school to take the exam, which shouldn't be a problem either, since I have today off from work. Yeah, it is like 2:30 am now. The time stamp seems to be off some...like hours.
Anyway, I am getting writing accomplished at lunch. I might even get more writing and reading done in the week to come. I am really hoping I do. I am looking forward to reading a fairly new Dragonlance book, but I don't think that is going to happen. I have a feeling I am going to have to surrender it unread. Perhaps if I get all my work done tomorow, I might a good dent in it. And if I wake up early on monday before work, I would have some time. I might even get some read Sunday, but all of these are mights and ifs, which normally don't happen.
What I need to do is clean. I don't want to but I have to. The dragonlings have made a mess and it is bugging me, big time. So today's goals: FINAL, Clean, clean, clean, Laundry, Health class work, practice belly dancing for next week's show, possibly sew kimono for my little sister, READ if I get the chance. Well, I know the Final will get done, the laundry started and cleaning, everything else is subject to my distraction ratio.
Well, fair thee well for now.
Anyway, I am getting writing accomplished at lunch. I might even get more writing and reading done in the week to come. I am really hoping I do. I am looking forward to reading a fairly new Dragonlance book, but I don't think that is going to happen. I have a feeling I am going to have to surrender it unread. Perhaps if I get all my work done tomorow, I might a good dent in it. And if I wake up early on monday before work, I would have some time. I might even get some read Sunday, but all of these are mights and ifs, which normally don't happen.
What I need to do is clean. I don't want to but I have to. The dragonlings have made a mess and it is bugging me, big time. So today's goals: FINAL, Clean, clean, clean, Laundry, Health class work, practice belly dancing for next week's show, possibly sew kimono for my little sister, READ if I get the chance. Well, I know the Final will get done, the laundry started and cleaning, everything else is subject to my distraction ratio.
Well, fair thee well for now.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
It is father's day and right now all I can think about doing is running for cover. Family oriented holiday, heck, all holidays cause internal-family fighting. The last thing I want is to get stuck in the middle of one of those, which is exactly what is going to happen. Essentially, even in every day life, I am damned if I do and seriously damned if don't. So, really, have no clue what the heck I am going to do. I know I am going to go see my father because it is father's day and he hasn't wanted to see me in over a year. That's right I haven't spoken to my father in over a year. Okay, quick thing, my family is the text book definition of Dysfunctional. So,...............
Other than major heartache, I am basically going to try to get some reading for class done and take a unit quiz. Somewhere between now and work tomorrow, I will probable get my study guide for my final made. That's easy, though a bit time consuming, however, it works, so I don't mind. If I manage to get that finished, I have reading and sewing I could do. Or just fool around on my computer which I do too much already. Oh, well, it isn't like I am sleeping anyway. I just lie in bed hoping I will be knocked on unconscious, but that so far hasn't happened.
Well, I am hungry, so I am off in search of food, catch you around.
Other than major heartache, I am basically going to try to get some reading for class done and take a unit quiz. Somewhere between now and work tomorrow, I will probable get my study guide for my final made. That's easy, though a bit time consuming, however, it works, so I don't mind. If I manage to get that finished, I have reading and sewing I could do. Or just fool around on my computer which I do too much already. Oh, well, it isn't like I am sleeping anyway. I just lie in bed hoping I will be knocked on unconscious, but that so far hasn't happened.
Well, I am hungry, so I am off in search of food, catch you around.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Oy Vey
Ever have one of those lives where no matter what you do, things just don't get better. Well, welcome to my world. Oy, sometimes I really wish things would get better before they worse. Actually I would settle for a nice even kilter, but that doesn't happen either. If it isn't one thing it is another.
At least I had a cool time talking with a new friend in GA. I can't wait to meet him in person. He seems like a really nice guy.
I also have managed to get some writting done. Don't ask how I have managed it. I think has something to do with lunch. If I bring the right sort of lunch, I can eat and write at the same time.
Well, I must go finish preparing for shabbos and get to where I need to be.
Take care
At least I had a cool time talking with a new friend in GA. I can't wait to meet him in person. He seems like a really nice guy.
I also have managed to get some writting done. Don't ask how I have managed it. I think has something to do with lunch. If I bring the right sort of lunch, I can eat and write at the same time.
Well, I must go finish preparing for shabbos and get to where I need to be.
Take care
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Art History Paper
Well, the paper that I should have done Sunday or at least started on Monday was started yesterday night. I went to bed with a solid page written and then some. Tonight I have managed to get to page four of a five to seven page paper. This is very good since I have to turn it in tomorrow, actually later today. So basically, I am to get my but home and work on it after I go cash my pay check. Yay, pay check. Once I get the paper completed, I can move on to cleaning my apartment and preparing for shabbos, since I really, really need to do that. Hmmm...I might even get the parsha read.
My paper is on kimonos. The kimono I picked to do is amazingly beautiful. I wish I has a piece so lovely. Anyway, it is rather interesting paper and seems well founded of course, I am unraveling at the seams, so my paper is not nessassarily as sound as I would like it.
Oh, well, back to my paper. Good night.
My paper is on kimonos. The kimono I picked to do is amazingly beautiful. I wish I has a piece so lovely. Anyway, it is rather interesting paper and seems well founded of course, I am unraveling at the seams, so my paper is not nessassarily as sound as I would like it.
Oh, well, back to my paper. Good night.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I am being a slacker. I have a paper that I ought have mostly written by now, not even started. Well, I organized my thoughts, did the research, half the bib is complete, so really I did start it. I just have not started the actual writing end of it. I am too tired to care. Too stressed to care to be truthful.
Since I can't manage to sleep at night, I have managed to work on some story work. Of course all of that is in a notebook since I refuse to leave my air conditioned bedroom after I have deemed it bedtime. Now, since I use a laptop, I really could just go get the laptop and bring it inot my bedroom, but that is just too much work. I can be lazy, especially when it is 2, or 3 or as late as 4 in the morning. Mind you I probably first tried to get my arse to bed somewhere between 11:30 and 12:30. Yeah, well, I can definately say I am tired.
Perhaps if I am a good girl and get some of this paper written and some of my art history lecture completed and even some of my health activities handed in, I might even get to write again. Won't that be fun!!! Not going to happen, but it is nice to have a goal in mind, ain't it.
Fly safely upon the wings of your Dreams,
Since I can't manage to sleep at night, I have managed to work on some story work. Of course all of that is in a notebook since I refuse to leave my air conditioned bedroom after I have deemed it bedtime. Now, since I use a laptop, I really could just go get the laptop and bring it inot my bedroom, but that is just too much work. I can be lazy, especially when it is 2, or 3 or as late as 4 in the morning. Mind you I probably first tried to get my arse to bed somewhere between 11:30 and 12:30. Yeah, well, I can definately say I am tired.
Perhaps if I am a good girl and get some of this paper written and some of my art history lecture completed and even some of my health activities handed in, I might even get to write again. Won't that be fun!!! Not going to happen, but it is nice to have a goal in mind, ain't it.
Fly safely upon the wings of your Dreams,
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Naughty Girl
*sigh* hmmmm *sigh* I should have gotten more school work done today. Yeah, I am all caught up, but I have an assignment due on tuesday and I have a paper due on thursday. I should have gotten more work completed on both. Really all I have to do is write out my answers and actually write the paper. Not hard, seriously, it is roughly four hours worth of work combined, maybe not even that.
Truth be told I spent time to relax and think today. I have a great deal to think about. In a sense today was setting the foundation to a new chapter in my life. I seem to be having many new chapters in my life these past two years. Well, a great deal has happened, things are moving quicker and I have learned so much more. Now, I am ready to embark on the next lesson.
I know what I need to do. The question is will I be focused enough to do it. I don't know about that. What I do know is I have the strength to do it. I am strong. I am standing firm. For some reason this go around I've cried my tears still standing instead of being flat on my arse looking up going wtf. I am not standing still either. Most of the time I am moving and looking back over my shoulder. Those are the moments I cry.
As soon as I straighten this out, I hope to be back to writing. Characters and stories dance within my mind's eyes. I can't wait to interact with them.
Well, best of care be with you,
Truth be told I spent time to relax and think today. I have a great deal to think about. In a sense today was setting the foundation to a new chapter in my life. I seem to be having many new chapters in my life these past two years. Well, a great deal has happened, things are moving quicker and I have learned so much more. Now, I am ready to embark on the next lesson.
I know what I need to do. The question is will I be focused enough to do it. I don't know about that. What I do know is I have the strength to do it. I am strong. I am standing firm. For some reason this go around I've cried my tears still standing instead of being flat on my arse looking up going wtf. I am not standing still either. Most of the time I am moving and looking back over my shoulder. Those are the moments I cry.
As soon as I straighten this out, I hope to be back to writing. Characters and stories dance within my mind's eyes. I can't wait to interact with them.
Well, best of care be with you,
Friday, June 8, 2007
Today, Today
Today, I took my art history test, which leaves me with a final and a 5 to 7 page paper left for the course. The paper will be written sunday and should only take me handful of hours to complete. So, no biggie really. I even have the research completed. All I need to do is write. Yay, I get to write, but darn it, it has to be for school.
I still have a ton of health work I ought to do too, but I should have that completed by Sunday night as well. If not sunday, I will definately have it in before the Tuesday midnight deadline.
As for pleasure reading or writing, I haven't gotten to that. I did get to watch the HBO Elizabeth the 1st which was rather good. I was reading school work at the same time, but I didn't miss anything, which was also good.
Well that is all for now,
Take care, Gut Shabbos.
I still have a ton of health work I ought to do too, but I should have that completed by Sunday night as well. If not sunday, I will definately have it in before the Tuesday midnight deadline.
As for pleasure reading or writing, I haven't gotten to that. I did get to watch the HBO Elizabeth the 1st which was rather good. I was reading school work at the same time, but I didn't miss anything, which was also good.
Well that is all for now,
Take care, Gut Shabbos.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Today in the life of...
Today mainly is a day for clean up and catch up. I hope to get to a movie after all the housework, laundry and school work are completed. I also hope to start cutting and pinning my lil sister's kimono. I will sew it at a later time, but I like getting stuff ready. As optimistic as I can be, I hope that I might get to some pleasure reading or possibly even writting. Who knows what I am going to get to do. One thing is for sure, I need to get my butt off hte computer if I am going to get anything accomplished. So, I will let you all know if I manage to get anything written.
In the mean time, have a lovely day. Perhaps, I will post some old poetry of mine, just make my rambling a bit more interesting. Be Well, and Fly High.
In the mean time, have a lovely day. Perhaps, I will post some old poetry of mine, just make my rambling a bit more interesting. Be Well, and Fly High.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
At the moment, things are not going so well for me in the real world. Yet, things beyond the veil are better than ever. I have three stories bouncing around happily in my head. The question at the moment when am I going to find time to write. I am so busy with school and work and real world issues that I am not getting a chance to tap into the writer's veil.
Works in progress:
The Dragon's Cat - complex fairytale. More a novella, but will be pretty interesting once I actually get to write it. It has a nice strong outline, which is always good and clear cut characters.
Sorrow and Light - A new fairytale. My sweet Druid sister, thanks ever so much for getting another story to fall into my lap right now. The outline is still sketchy, but it is developing. This may or may not be complex, however I hope it is somewhere in the middle. Simple stories sometimes lose their enchantment.
On the Sea - For all you wonderful people who know about the novel, this is now its working title until I come up with something better. The characters have names and the first of the series is outlined. I even have bits and pieces written up and I have the starting of chapter one loosely written, yay me.
More information will possibly be posted in the future.
Editting in the works:
There are so many stories in editting phase, which leads me to believe I may never get unburied from ten years worth of work. I have been a writter or storyteller all my life. I was creating fully developed stories before I knew how to read and write, in fact as soon as I could talk. Note: this is what happens when kids are read to very early in life.
Witch of Raven Lake - tam lin based fairytale
Hunted - Modern day story involving an artist and witches, ghosts and other magiks. (three books, two of which have been mapped out well and the third loosely)
Game Play - Female online comic strip artist/video game programmer, her company/friends and the quirky paralle magical realm spilling in to the modern world
Sapphirerose - Fairytale based on versions of Cinderella. I know many, many versions of cinderella from all over the world, I decided to create one where fairies are the main characters. Also, this is a story that intertwines another story 'the King's Wolf'.
There is more. There is a great deal more. I have several short stories and beginings of novels. I suppose I should say hanging characters.
Well, I am drained, I am going to for now. Be well and keep dreaming.
At the moment, things are not going so well for me in the real world. Yet, things beyond the veil are better than ever. I have three stories bouncing around happily in my head. The question at the moment when am I going to find time to write. I am so busy with school and work and real world issues that I am not getting a chance to tap into the writer's veil.
Works in progress:
The Dragon's Cat - complex fairytale. More a novella, but will be pretty interesting once I actually get to write it. It has a nice strong outline, which is always good and clear cut characters.
Sorrow and Light - A new fairytale. My sweet Druid sister, thanks ever so much for getting another story to fall into my lap right now. The outline is still sketchy, but it is developing. This may or may not be complex, however I hope it is somewhere in the middle. Simple stories sometimes lose their enchantment.
On the Sea - For all you wonderful people who know about the novel, this is now its working title until I come up with something better. The characters have names and the first of the series is outlined. I even have bits and pieces written up and I have the starting of chapter one loosely written, yay me.
More information will possibly be posted in the future.
Editting in the works:
There are so many stories in editting phase, which leads me to believe I may never get unburied from ten years worth of work. I have been a writter or storyteller all my life. I was creating fully developed stories before I knew how to read and write, in fact as soon as I could talk. Note: this is what happens when kids are read to very early in life.
Witch of Raven Lake - tam lin based fairytale
Hunted - Modern day story involving an artist and witches, ghosts and other magiks. (three books, two of which have been mapped out well and the third loosely)
Game Play - Female online comic strip artist/video game programmer, her company/friends and the quirky paralle magical realm spilling in to the modern world
Sapphirerose - Fairytale based on versions of Cinderella. I know many, many versions of cinderella from all over the world, I decided to create one where fairies are the main characters. Also, this is a story that intertwines another story 'the King's Wolf'.
There is more. There is a great deal more. I have several short stories and beginings of novels. I suppose I should say hanging characters.
Well, I am drained, I am going to for now. Be well and keep dreaming.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Home Again
Well, I had a blog awhile back and some mystical power decided to delete it, which made me very sad. Anyway, I have found myself another lair. This one might be a little roomier. I am not sure yet. I plan on posting my poetry, thoughts, feeling, conversion comments, and updates on my novel that everyone seems interested in.
For for now,
good day, good night, and in general good times.
Be Well,
For for now,
good day, good night, and in general good times.
Be Well,
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