So, I decided to return to NYC after being home about 42 hours to do work and fulfill obligations. I considered this vacation. Upon returning to NY last thursday, I crashed. Friday morning, a friend and I checked out the mythology exhibit at the American Musuem of Natural History. It was well worth the visit. I love the work that they put into it. I would have liked to have seen more and more stuff that I didn't already known. Of course, I am a big fantasy geek, so they would have probably had to so a great deal more research that would have been a little much for the general populace.
I spent shabbos with friends, which was great. After shabbos, I found out how much weight/inches I have lost since my one corset for ren faire doesn't fit any more. It is too big. Well, I can make it work still, but I didn't have the costuming needed. 'tis a good thing I brought my belly dancing costume with me. At least I had something to wear. Yes, I am complaining about losing weight. Nothing is more vexing than having just bought clothes to fit you and you are steadily gaining room in them. My wallet is hurting, however the body is feeling much better and I feel SEXY, D@&* it!
Ren Faire was lovely, but too hot. I melted. I knew I would. I get sick in the heat, that is why I love my air conditioned cave so much. :) It was not a happy feeling when my head is killing me and my body doesn't move on command, nor is the constant senstation that I am going to throw up. I was whinning. I normally just complain, but this time I was whinning, which is consquently better than not being able to do either. Not being able to do either is serious. I am practically dead to the world.
So, Monday morning, I was up bright and early, oh 9 am. Yes, that is early. Any thing before ten am is early. Before eight is unbearable. Work went well. I am so happy that the summer reading club is over. I don't like the flood of materials back in, since we will have no place to put it all. *sigh* can't win for losing.
In other news, my classes are over. I got good grades. Now in ten days, I start my full fall schedule. I am basically going to be out of touch with the world. I am going to be cave bound studying. Just because I am taking on more classes doesn't mean I can let my GPA slip. In all seriousness, I cannot under any circumstances trade my GPA for fun. I have to work to keep it and it will be one of those things that is going to allow me to transfer to the schools I want and possibly get lovely scholarships to pay for my education that I can't afford.
I spent today getting my car inspection. It failed. I knew it would. My speedometer broke. It has to be fixed. I did pass emmissions. I have until the end of the month to get it fixed and the one other thing broke on my car. The grand bill will be over four hundred dollars. Oh, well, I have to keep my car running. I actually expected worse, so I can't really complain to loudly about that.
I also spent time with a dear friend of mine who is going off to college tomorrow. I shall miss her, but she is only going to be two hours away. I thought she was going further. At least I got to spend time with her and a couple of other friends that I haven't seen in a while. All in All it was a good night.
Well, I am heading off to bed. I am too tired to stay awake. For some reason though, I don't type half bad when I am dead tired. YAY!! Take care!

From Trigun
Friday, August 17, 2007
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