Well, if everything goes as planned Saturday night will be the last night I sleep in my bed in my old apartment. The packing is getting done. I am not doing half bad all by myself. My desk and office are now packed. It fills me with great sadness and frustration that it is packed away, however I will have a better set up where I am going to be despite the fact that I am condensing down to one room. I will be able to network my computers. I have a laptop, which I am currently writing on and a PC just screaming use me. So, I will finally be able to set everything up.
It should not be this difficult to pack up one’s belongings when they are eager to move. However, I have a ton of emotional baggage clubbing me in the face right now like it has for the past two weeks. I don’t have a great deal more to do really. I have sorted most of the stuff out. I know just have to pack it up. I hate the fact that things are going to be so barren. Of course in my new place everything is going to feel so cluttered. I am a dragon by nature, so a nice cozy lair will be just fine.
Well, I am still working on the job situation. I have an interview tomorrow morning at 9. This is a full time position at a daycare so I will be teaching children, which will make me happy. I miss working with children. It even seems they will be flexible with my Friday class, which one of the places was not going to be. If I get this job, it will be able to cover the bills. That is a very god thing.
I finally saw Shrek 3. It was ok. It was definitely not as good as the first one. As for my opinion on the second one, the jury is still out. I need to see the film again. I am going to attempt to watch Evan Almighty tonight, that is if I get my work done and manage to help my friend with her paper. Perhaps I will watch and edit her paper at the same time.
Well, in less than 24 hours I will be 25, a whole quarter century. I am surprised I made it this long.

From Trigun
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Winter Break
I am so happy that winter break has finally arrived for, except for the snow and ice. I took my last final on friday, so that means I am still waiting for my grade for that course to come in. I am sort of holding my breath. I was walking a bit of a tight rope in this course so I could get either an A or a B. I am hoping for the former.
My move was delayed a week. The weather made things too dangerous to move. The ice would have killed someone, so I am still comfortably sitting on my bed in my bedroom of the last two years. Basically this means I move after my birthday. I am in no real rush. The annoyance is that I packed up stuff I need for the week so I am going to have to unpack stuff, then repack. Of course I still need to pack up a ton of things. I will eventually get around to it. If I am focused I can get a great deal done.
I love my new camera. It takes wonderful pictures. Sometime over vacation, I will get to play some more. yay
I plan on sewing quite a bit, however that is going to be tough to do until I move. I also need to find a new job. I suppose it is good that I am interviewing for practically a dream position tomorrow, actually later today. I might even get around to reading, or maybe I will just listen to CD books while I sew. That would work for me. I also have some movies I want to get to see.
I am Legend, I have been told is remarkable. I am hoping I do make it to the theater to see it. I also have some new DVD releases to watch. Shrek 3 and Evan Almighty...and potter 5. I might break down and purchase it, however, that will have to wait until I have a better paying job.
Also, in January, I have two weddings to attend. One in NY and one in Maryland. Those will be fun. Another big event is I should be going before the beit din. I will hopefully be Jewish by mid January. At the moment I just waiting for the date.
Things will get interesting once my conversion is complete. I will be able to date again, well, I will be dating once I am comfortable making shabbat for myself and settling into jewish life on the other side of the fence. I don't expect things to be easy, but I will manage. I always do.
Well, I should either go to bed or work on packing some more before bed.
My move was delayed a week. The weather made things too dangerous to move. The ice would have killed someone, so I am still comfortably sitting on my bed in my bedroom of the last two years. Basically this means I move after my birthday. I am in no real rush. The annoyance is that I packed up stuff I need for the week so I am going to have to unpack stuff, then repack. Of course I still need to pack up a ton of things. I will eventually get around to it. If I am focused I can get a great deal done.
I love my new camera. It takes wonderful pictures. Sometime over vacation, I will get to play some more. yay
I plan on sewing quite a bit, however that is going to be tough to do until I move. I also need to find a new job. I suppose it is good that I am interviewing for practically a dream position tomorrow, actually later today. I might even get around to reading, or maybe I will just listen to CD books while I sew. That would work for me. I also have some movies I want to get to see.
I am Legend, I have been told is remarkable. I am hoping I do make it to the theater to see it. I also have some new DVD releases to watch. Shrek 3 and Evan Almighty...and potter 5. I might break down and purchase it, however, that will have to wait until I have a better paying job.
Also, in January, I have two weddings to attend. One in NY and one in Maryland. Those will be fun. Another big event is I should be going before the beit din. I will hopefully be Jewish by mid January. At the moment I just waiting for the date.
Things will get interesting once my conversion is complete. I will be able to date again, well, I will be dating once I am comfortable making shabbat for myself and settling into jewish life on the other side of the fence. I don't expect things to be easy, but I will manage. I always do.
Well, I should either go to bed or work on packing some more before bed.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Who Am I to You? (poem)
Who am I to you?
A girl lost, lonely, occasionally blue
Or a woman crying in the night
Too tired to wait till the morning light
What song is there to be sung?
Where upon the Hangman’s gallows the words were hung
Disconnected from this evolving world
No longer holding the gleam of gems and the luster of pearls
Where is the heart of love?
It has been carried away by the springtime Dove.
‘Twas to be stolen in Blind-man’s blink of an eye
Leaving one empty with naught to do but to sigh
When will day break anew?
Not ‘til the heart song rings out true
Shattering, destroying these abysmal walls
Forcing back the wretched tears that so long to call
How is it that I still stand?
The ground trembles in this shadowy land
For no song, no heart nor truth bear credence to reign
But, here I stand soaked in this lonesome pouring rain.
Go where thou wishes, but leave me free
For I am solidly planted, as stalwart as tree
And through cat’s eyed gleam this world I do see
What will be, what shall be, what shall dwell in that place that is me
Who am I to you?
I am what I am to me.
No more, no less,
With song in shadow full of heart and balance of truth.
A girl lost, lonely, occasionally blue
Or a woman crying in the night
Too tired to wait till the morning light
What song is there to be sung?
Where upon the Hangman’s gallows the words were hung
Disconnected from this evolving world
No longer holding the gleam of gems and the luster of pearls
Where is the heart of love?
It has been carried away by the springtime Dove.
‘Twas to be stolen in Blind-man’s blink of an eye
Leaving one empty with naught to do but to sigh
When will day break anew?
Not ‘til the heart song rings out true
Shattering, destroying these abysmal walls
Forcing back the wretched tears that so long to call
How is it that I still stand?
The ground trembles in this shadowy land
For no song, no heart nor truth bear credence to reign
But, here I stand soaked in this lonesome pouring rain.
Go where thou wishes, but leave me free
For I am solidly planted, as stalwart as tree
And through cat’s eyed gleam this world I do see
What will be, what shall be, what shall dwell in that place that is me
Who am I to you?
I am what I am to me.
No more, no less,
With song in shadow full of heart and balance of truth.
Ok, so, I have completed one interview (this one at a college library) and I have one to go (JCC). I really want the full time job at the JCC. I want to work with children again. However, if I don't get that job the on at the college will do nicely. I am a good position for both jobs. YES!!
Finals, three down, one to go. So far I have grades for two courses. I am happy about both of them. The one I don't know is going to torture me. My prof in that course is fickle and anal retentive. So, I am not sure I am going to get the A or a B. Given the work I know I have done, I should get the A, but still...my prof is what she is. The last final is in math and that I take tomorrow. If I get an A on the final, I get an A for the course. Yay! Here I thought I would definately going to have a B.
Ok, I should pack because I am moving. Need to do that. Bye
Finals, three down, one to go. So far I have grades for two courses. I am happy about both of them. The one I don't know is going to torture me. My prof in that course is fickle and anal retentive. So, I am not sure I am going to get the A or a B. Given the work I know I have done, I should get the A, but still...my prof is what she is. The last final is in math and that I take tomorrow. If I get an A on the final, I get an A for the course. Yay! Here I thought I would definately going to have a B.
Ok, I should pack because I am moving. Need to do that. Bye
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Good Day
Well, I wish I could say that things have calmed down that has enabled me to write so much later, however it is more to the need of my heart to procrastinate. I still have yet to find a way to trick to my heart into actually packing my stuff up. I really do have until the end of the month, but my move out date is the 16th, G-d willing. *sigh* I do want to move, however, I hate change, especially when I am comfortable. Well, I will somehow will. I have about 6 hours before my bedtime to get a great deal accomplished.
The real reason I am writting. I managed to get a job interview at the JCC (Jewish Community Center) for a child care position. They have two positions open. One is a teacher for 18 to 36 months or a floating teacher who works wherever she/he is needed. I do not care which I get. I do not mind so much as I have a paying job that can support me. The only draw back is the position is full time. This means I will have to leave the library. There is no way I can stay at both places, especially with classes. G-d willing, I will be hired and it will make my life far easier. I would be able to walk to work and I would not have to worry about holidays and wrestling to get shabbat off, which has been an issue in the past.
I registered for classes. Due to scheduling, I will have two online courses and two courses on campus. Basically, I will be at school monday nights and friday mornings. This will be nice. I have educational psychology, Intro to music, More foundations of Math (II) and Intro to Special Ed. I have feeling I am going to have a rather decent semester.
Friday class means I can not travel far before shabbat. I am basically still locked into spending Shabbat at home. Oh, well, I am starting to get to know many people in the community, so I rather like it here. Sorry.
My conversion is on schedule. YAY!!
I get to see the play. I already bought my bus ticket. And I have a new camera to take blackma...I mean pictures, memorable pictures to share with whomever I want...
Also, any one interested in helping a dragon succeed in a special plot of destruction against a not so fictional city...please let me know. I have my gunpower mage already and I believe a tactical advisor/orchestrator. hehe...fun fun.
Ok. Time to do real work....no...I don't want to.....
The real reason I am writting. I managed to get a job interview at the JCC (Jewish Community Center) for a child care position. They have two positions open. One is a teacher for 18 to 36 months or a floating teacher who works wherever she/he is needed. I do not care which I get. I do not mind so much as I have a paying job that can support me. The only draw back is the position is full time. This means I will have to leave the library. There is no way I can stay at both places, especially with classes. G-d willing, I will be hired and it will make my life far easier. I would be able to walk to work and I would not have to worry about holidays and wrestling to get shabbat off, which has been an issue in the past.
I registered for classes. Due to scheduling, I will have two online courses and two courses on campus. Basically, I will be at school monday nights and friday mornings. This will be nice. I have educational psychology, Intro to music, More foundations of Math (II) and Intro to Special Ed. I have feeling I am going to have a rather decent semester.
Friday class means I can not travel far before shabbat. I am basically still locked into spending Shabbat at home. Oh, well, I am starting to get to know many people in the community, so I rather like it here. Sorry.
My conversion is on schedule. YAY!!
I get to see the play. I already bought my bus ticket. And I have a new camera to take blackma...I mean pictures, memorable pictures to share with whomever I want...
Also, any one interested in helping a dragon succeed in a special plot of destruction against a not so fictional city...please let me know. I have my gunpower mage already and I believe a tactical advisor/orchestrator. hehe...fun fun.
Ok. Time to do real work....no...I don't want to.....
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The best laid plans of dragon and men oft go awry
Well, I planned on getting some packing done today, since I did not do any of that sort of thing yesterday or the day before. This is not good. However, I do have all day thursday to do school work, pack things up and whatever else comes up. I might even find a little time tomorrow. I did do something towards my packing efforts. I got some more boxes. Boxes are good.
Hanukah is here!! Yay!! I got to study today, made it through the brachos for lighting on the first night of Hanukah by myself doing a pretty good job, if I do say so myself. I also received a sweet tasty gift. I found that to be yummy. What is even better is that it came in a box I can use to pack stuff in!! It also had peanuts. I kind of felt like tossing those in the air to make a dramatic excited statement, however since I have to clean up the mess, I refrained from doing so. Still they will keep some of my pretty hoard packed away nicely.
Since I had to replace my old camera because it met the fate of Kitty Jones' locker (ie a cat's water dish), I might be taking some pics of my hoard. Yup...I might be testing that baby out thursday, however it takes me weeks, sometimes months to actually post pictures. All of my picture postings are on my myspace and facebook accounts. Some of them are rather good. My artwork through photo editings is pretty good too.
I am still shocked I found an entire gigabite of memory on my computer by deleting useless or duplicate files on my computer. *sigh* I have been cleaning house here because I have a set of corrupted files which threaten the main frame. I am not happy about that, so I have remove the tumorous problem, thus losing some of my files. Using a loop hole I might be able to save some of my pictures that didn't get duplicated over in other sets of files. Man, at times, I love e-mail. It may be long and tedious to attatch 14 files to an e-mail at a time, but it is saving my pics for me.
Of course I should be sleeping right about NOW!!
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day too. Urg. Well, my classes should be a breeze...I think....ewwww...research project presentation.....not look forward to that. not at all. Then I get a break, need to register for classes, set up a job interview, wrap gifts for TESA adopted family, and what else...oh eat lunch...that would be good. Then five hours of work. Maybe I should bring my CD player and music. Hey that sounds like a good idea. In fact CD player is in car, just need my headphones, CD case and adapter.... Wow isn't is wonderful how things can come together when you complain to yourself.
Ok, must go to bed...must can't stay awake any longer.
Hanukah is here!! Yay!! I got to study today, made it through the brachos for lighting on the first night of Hanukah by myself doing a pretty good job, if I do say so myself. I also received a sweet tasty gift. I found that to be yummy. What is even better is that it came in a box I can use to pack stuff in!! It also had peanuts. I kind of felt like tossing those in the air to make a dramatic excited statement, however since I have to clean up the mess, I refrained from doing so. Still they will keep some of my pretty hoard packed away nicely.
Since I had to replace my old camera because it met the fate of Kitty Jones' locker (ie a cat's water dish), I might be taking some pics of my hoard. Yup...I might be testing that baby out thursday, however it takes me weeks, sometimes months to actually post pictures. All of my picture postings are on my myspace and facebook accounts. Some of them are rather good. My artwork through photo editings is pretty good too.
I am still shocked I found an entire gigabite of memory on my computer by deleting useless or duplicate files on my computer. *sigh* I have been cleaning house here because I have a set of corrupted files which threaten the main frame. I am not happy about that, so I have remove the tumorous problem, thus losing some of my files. Using a loop hole I might be able to save some of my pictures that didn't get duplicated over in other sets of files. Man, at times, I love e-mail. It may be long and tedious to attatch 14 files to an e-mail at a time, but it is saving my pics for me.
Of course I should be sleeping right about NOW!!
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day too. Urg. Well, my classes should be a breeze...I think....ewwww...research project presentation.....not look forward to that. not at all. Then I get a break, need to register for classes, set up a job interview, wrap gifts for TESA adopted family, and what else...oh eat lunch...that would be good. Then five hours of work. Maybe I should bring my CD player and music. Hey that sounds like a good idea. In fact CD player is in car, just need my headphones, CD case and adapter.... Wow isn't is wonderful how things can come together when you complain to yourself.
Ok, must go to bed...must can't stay awake any longer.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Yeah, shocker, I am writting two days straight. What's the occassion? Well, that would be the fact that I am being a major slacker.
Hmmm....why the heck does it have to be so cold?? I want my fall back. We barely had fall this year. May favorite are those first cool breeze that teases the colored leaves while they desperate cling to their trees. I do not mind winter either, however, this frozen cold is a little too much too early. Winter does not start officially until December 21st. Grumble.
Now Summer, she lingered beyond her time. Winter, she ushered in her blankets of snow before Fall could orchestrate the dropping of the leaves. He is upset that his usually brisk breezes have turned frigid in an attempt to get us to remember him. I am missing Spring's warth as he tries to coax Summer into dancing for him. She lights up and heats up the days as she dances for us knowing she will receive the Fall's applause. Still, though he is pleased with Summer's dance, he is still upset that he did not get to preform his magic for Winter. In her impatiences, she has brought us snow and he is still calling after her, thus the winds remain chilled.
Sorry if that makes no sense to you. I am a writer and sometimes I just get carried away. That is what I need to do more of -- write. I haven't seriously sat down to write anything but papers for school. I have stories brusting out of me, but no where to go. *sigh*
Well, I am off to find warmth.
Hmmm....why the heck does it have to be so cold?? I want my fall back. We barely had fall this year. May favorite are those first cool breeze that teases the colored leaves while they desperate cling to their trees. I do not mind winter either, however, this frozen cold is a little too much too early. Winter does not start officially until December 21st. Grumble.
Now Summer, she lingered beyond her time. Winter, she ushered in her blankets of snow before Fall could orchestrate the dropping of the leaves. He is upset that his usually brisk breezes have turned frigid in an attempt to get us to remember him. I am missing Spring's warth as he tries to coax Summer into dancing for him. She lights up and heats up the days as she dances for us knowing she will receive the Fall's applause. Still, though he is pleased with Summer's dance, he is still upset that he did not get to preform his magic for Winter. In her impatiences, she has brought us snow and he is still calling after her, thus the winds remain chilled.
Sorry if that makes no sense to you. I am a writer and sometimes I just get carried away. That is what I need to do more of -- write. I haven't seriously sat down to write anything but papers for school. I have stories brusting out of me, but no where to go. *sigh*
Well, I am off to find warmth.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Um...I did not forget about my blog, honest!!!
Hello, everyone,
I have just been uber busy. Like super uber busy and the thanksgiving holiday didn't help unstress anything. However, I finally have a free moment that I have time to devote to a nice long blog. YAY!! I know it just warms your hearts on a snowy day like today, right??
Well, my conversion to Judaism is nearly complete. In fact somewhere in the next four to six weeks I should be going before the beit din. So, I am excited about that. I am studying/practicing my hebrew with friends. I am getting much better. I just don't understand what I reading. I need someone to translate, but I starting to get a handle on new words.
I am moving December 16th to allentown. This was a requirement for my conversion, however it will also be easier on me. I work and go to school in the allentown area which means I should not have to spend so much money on gas. YAY!! I am kind of excited to be living some places new, however I will miss having a place to myself, though it has gotten rather lonely somedays. It will be nice to share a place with someone and still have privacy. The one thing I absolutely have to have is privacy. I am a dragon who needs her space.
Also I am in the process of finding a higher paying job. I have two options on the table. G-d willing, one of them will come through. The one is at a university library, the other is at the Jewish Community Center. Either would be great for me. For right now, I am at reduced hours at the library and frankly I don't mind because I know have my shabbats like I should have had all along.
Let's see. I should be packing, but I am not. I am online writing this and talking to people on aim. I have a great deal of time this week to do stuff. This is my last week of classes for the semester and it is followed up with finals. I only have finals on that monday and friday. However, I have two finals on monday and a play to get to in NY sometime that week. The unfortunate thing about monday is my one final starts at 7:30 am. I am not happy at that in the least. Nope. Hopefully I can get my speech done and over with and then relax until psych. I am sort of dreading the Math Exam...ewwww....math and I are not mixing so well.
Oh, I have to register for classes too. I was holding off to hear back on the jobs on the table. Of course, I can always regisiter and then change my classes if need be. Or I can just take a bunch of online stuff, but that is no fun. Well, it sort of is...but I like being in a classroom with people. I have to talk another math course and I have to take a science with a lab at some point. I am not sure when that is going to happen, but I have the summer to work on that too as well as next fall.
Lets see what else. I did get to watch a couple movies while studying. And when I was sick I watched Miss Potter. I liked that a great deal.
Oh, earlier this month I danced at a hafla. That was fun. I will eventually get my DVD of that.
Wow...time is sure going by quickly...
I have just been uber busy. Like super uber busy and the thanksgiving holiday didn't help unstress anything. However, I finally have a free moment that I have time to devote to a nice long blog. YAY!! I know it just warms your hearts on a snowy day like today, right??
Well, my conversion to Judaism is nearly complete. In fact somewhere in the next four to six weeks I should be going before the beit din. So, I am excited about that. I am studying/practicing my hebrew with friends. I am getting much better. I just don't understand what I reading. I need someone to translate, but I starting to get a handle on new words.
I am moving December 16th to allentown. This was a requirement for my conversion, however it will also be easier on me. I work and go to school in the allentown area which means I should not have to spend so much money on gas. YAY!! I am kind of excited to be living some places new, however I will miss having a place to myself, though it has gotten rather lonely somedays. It will be nice to share a place with someone and still have privacy. The one thing I absolutely have to have is privacy. I am a dragon who needs her space.
Also I am in the process of finding a higher paying job. I have two options on the table. G-d willing, one of them will come through. The one is at a university library, the other is at the Jewish Community Center. Either would be great for me. For right now, I am at reduced hours at the library and frankly I don't mind because I know have my shabbats like I should have had all along.
Let's see. I should be packing, but I am not. I am online writing this and talking to people on aim. I have a great deal of time this week to do stuff. This is my last week of classes for the semester and it is followed up with finals. I only have finals on that monday and friday. However, I have two finals on monday and a play to get to in NY sometime that week. The unfortunate thing about monday is my one final starts at 7:30 am. I am not happy at that in the least. Nope. Hopefully I can get my speech done and over with and then relax until psych. I am sort of dreading the Math Exam...ewwww....math and I are not mixing so well.
Oh, I have to register for classes too. I was holding off to hear back on the jobs on the table. Of course, I can always regisiter and then change my classes if need be. Or I can just take a bunch of online stuff, but that is no fun. Well, it sort of is...but I like being in a classroom with people. I have to talk another math course and I have to take a science with a lab at some point. I am not sure when that is going to happen, but I have the summer to work on that too as well as next fall.
Lets see what else. I did get to watch a couple movies while studying. And when I was sick I watched Miss Potter. I liked that a great deal.
Oh, earlier this month I danced at a hafla. That was fun. I will eventually get my DVD of that.
Wow...time is sure going by quickly...
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