Over the course of many years, I have babysat many children of various age ranges. I have conducted storytime programs at the library I work at. I have seen all manner of children from the well behaved child, who uses please and thank you, to the little monsters, who are a nightmare to watch due tantrums and the like. Now, no matter how well behaved a child is they have their moments. We all have our moments whether child or adult. In fact, I would go so far as saying there are many adults out there who barely act older than children, if that. Upon seeing and experiencing all of this, what sane person would seriously think about having one, let alone more than that.
Think about all the work that is involved. A mother carries the growing fetus for nine months and than has to go into labor to bring the baby into the world. Now, that in of itself is rather painful experience I hear. Then, a baby is entirely dependant on its parents. The care of a baby is entirely dependant on someone else. Diapers need to be changed. Feedings must occur regularly, say every two hours or so. Laundry always seems need to be done. A baby’s cries will pierce the night waking one up. It is a lot of work.
Then, they get older. They reach the terrible twos where they learn the word “No”. They do everything they possibly can to exert their individuality and get what they want. They throw tantrums where they are kicking and screaming. They literally can turn into little monsters. This seems to go until they reach school age.
School finally rolls around. There may be a battle to get homework done. Then there is the whole making your child get along with their peers. Oh, and then there are the clicks. Nothing can be worse than the cruelty that children subject on each other. It can be down right brutal. Seriously, world leaders to me often seem to look like children who just never learned to get along and play together in the sandbox.
Anyway, if one survives that, there is puberty. Ah, that awkward time when children are making their way to be young adults. Hormones are running rampant and peer cruelty reaches new heights. Then there is the fear of one’s child getting mixed up in drugs, alcohol and sex. It is enough to keep one up at night.
At 16, we give our children a car. Basically, we hand them the keys to a deadly weapon and hope to God they don’t kill themselves or anyone else with it. Still have the drugs, alcohol and sex to be worried about. One’s hair is turning prematurely gray from all the worrying. If they survive high school, we send them off to college. At college, they are on their own where they can make all sorts of reckless decisions that continue to keep parents up at night. Then there is that fear that they will bring home a member of the opposite sex and want to marry them. There is a pretty high monetary cost just to get rid of your child and make them completely independent. Heck, what is the next to all the medical bills, activities, feeding, clothing, sheltering and such of your child for X amount of years. Then they have their own children and you hope that their children where just like parents so that your children know exactly what they put you through.
Now, what sane person would want to go through all of that? Granted grandchildren are fun and you can spoil them, but you can do that with anyone’s children to be truthful. It is a ton of work. Also, taking into account the whole raging hormones, procreation is a rather interesting side effect to all that sex.
No, there is something that makes it all worth it. It is love. Most people have a child because they love themselves, love their partners and still have a ton of love left over to devote to caring for a child. What makes all of this worth it? When say your two year old monster comes over to you and hugs you saying “I love you”. When you child hugs you and kisses you goodbye in public that makes it worth it. No how bad the bad times are, when your child tells you “I love you, Mom/Dad”, hugs you, kisses you, spends time with you instead of running around with their crazy friends. It is worth it. A child’s love is so innocent and complete unlike an adults’. A child trusts fully and loves fully without reservations. This is what will make a normal sane person want one of their own.

From Trigun
Monday, March 3, 2008
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